The Ancient Past of Keatley Creek: Volume II: Socioeconomy
Archaeology, British Columbia Plateau, Household archaeology, Keatley Creek, Pithouse, Socioeconomy, Complex hunter/gatherer, Social organization, Economic organization, Political organization, Faunal remains, Botanical remains, Lithics, Housepit size, Prestige artifacts, Fishing sites, Domesticated dogs, Architectural reconstruction, Paleoethnobotany, ZooarchaeologySynopsis
Keatley Creek is a world heritage quality site with unusually large housepits, good preservation, clear architectural features and evidence for complex socioeconomic organization. Work done here has been at the center of theoretical and methodological advances in archaeological studies of complex hunter/gatherers. Volume II: Socioeconomy presents analyses dealing with the basic social, economic, and political organization of the prehistoric community at Keatley Creek. Faunal, botanical, and lithic remains are examined in individual chapters to determine how activities were structured within housepits of different sizes (small, medium, and large). Not only does the internal organization of activities differ between small and large housepits, but the overall assemblage compositions also vary. Small housepits are relatively impoverished compared to large housepits even after assemblage size differences are taken into account. Special chapters address prestige artifacts, evidence for ownership of fishing sites, the role of domesticated dogs at the site, heating strategies used in the pithouses, and architectural reconstructions. Summary chapters deal with inferences about the overall prehistoric socioeconomic organization at the site, the relative level of complexity of the community, and a reconstruction of life at the site.
Complete Book
Introduction and Housepit Activities
Chapter 1: Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Housepit Assemblages at Keatley Creek
Chapter 2: Pithouses on the Interior Plateau of British ColumbiaEthnographic Evidence and Interpretation of the Keatley Creek Site
Chapter 3: Functional Analysis of Stone Tools in Housepit 7
Organic Analysis
Chapter 4: Socioeconomy at Keatley CreekThe Botanical Evidence
Chapter 5: A Paleoethnobotanical Comparison of Four "Small" Housepits
Chapter 6: Chemical Identification of Activity Areas in the Keatley Creek Housepits
Chapter 7: Zooarchaeological Analysis at Keatley CreekSocioeconomy
Chapter 8: Prehistoric Salmon Utilization at the Keatley Creek Site
Chapter 9: The Analysis of Mesodebitage and Mesofauna at Keatley Creek
Chapter 10: The Dogs of Keatley Creek
Lithic Analysis
Chapter 11: Socioeconomic Inferences from Floor Distributions of Lithics at Keatley Creek
Chapter 12: The Lithic Assemblages of Two Small Housepits (HP's 90 and 104)
Chapter 13: Prestige Artifacts at Keatley Creek
Chapter 14: Lithic Variability between Tested Housepits
Chapter 15: Structural Strategies for Pithouses at the Keatley Creek Site
Chapter 16: Body Heat as a Strategy for Winter Survival in Housepits
Chapter 17: An Overview of the Classic Lillooet Occupation at Keatley Creek
Chapter 18: Social Organization and Life at Keatley CreekA Reconstruction