The Ancient Past of Keatley Creek: Volume I: Taphonomy
Archaeology, British Columbia Plateau, Keatley Creek, Pithouse, Taphonomy, Complex hunter/gatherer, Dating, Climate, Site formation processes, Botanical remains, Faunal remains, Lithic assemblage, Lithic sources, Geoarchaeology, Paleoethnobotany, ZooarchaeologySynopsis
Keatley Creek is a world heritage quality site with unusually large housepits, good preservation, clear architectural features and evidence for complex socioeconomic organization. Work done here has been at the center of theoretical and methodological advances in archaeological studies of complex hunter/gatherers. Volume I: Taphonomy includes thorough documentation of dating, climate, soils, and site formation processes. Botanical, faunal and lithic remains are examined to see what they reveal about the formation of different types of strata (floors, roofs, middens). Stone sources are identified and the lithic assemblage is analyzed from a design theory perspective emphasizing both artifacts and debitage.
Complete Book
Introduction and Dating
Chapter 1: The Opening of Keatley CreekResearch Problems and Background
Chapter 2: Dating Deposits at Keatley Creek
Chapter 3: Mixing of Projectile Point Types within Housepit Rim and Floor Strata at Keatley Creek
Geology and Soils
Chapter 4: Holocene Climate in the South-Central Interior of British Columbia
Chapter 5: The Evolution of Landforms at Keatley Creek, near Lillooet, British Columbia
Chapter 6: Soils ReportKeatley Creek 1987
Chapter 7: Micromorphological Aspects of Site Formation at Keatley Creek
Chapter 8: Variations in Sediment Characteristics across Floors
Organic Remains
Chapter 9: Site Formation Processes at Keatley CreekThe Paleoethnobotanical Evidence
Chapter 10: Animal Resource Utilization and Assemblage Formation Processes at Keatley Creek
Lithic Remains
Chapter 11: Results of the Keatley Creek Archaeological Project Lithic Source Study
Chapter 12: Keatley Creek Lithic Strategies and Design
Chapter 13: The Formation of Lithic Debitage and Flake Tool Assemblages in a Canadian Plateau Winter Housepit VillageEthnographic and Archaeological Perspectives
Chapter 14: An Analysis of the Distributions of Lithic Artifacts in the Roofs of Three Housepits at Keatley Creek
Chapter 15: An Analysis of Lithic Artifacts from the Rim Deposits at HP 7
Chapter 16: Classification and Distribution of Debitage at the Keatley Creek Housepit Village
Chapter 17: Site Formation Processes at Keatley Creek
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May 3, 2017
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