Toolstone Geography of the Pacific Northwest
Archaeology, Pacific Northwest, Northwest Coast Lithics, Lithic raw material sources, Quarry sites, Toolstones, Toolstone geographySynopsis
The 242 page soft-cover book contains 15 chapters by well-known and respected authors presenting new and intriguing revelations about toolstones in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and northern California. Each chapter examines lithic raw material sources, the uses and distribution of the toolstones quarried from them, and the archaeological or anthropological inferences that studies of toolstone geography provide.
Complete Book
Table of Contents
Toolstone Geography and the Larger Lithic Landscape
Nephrite/JadeThe Preeminent Celt Stone of the Pacific Northwest
Primary Toolstone Sources and Pre-Contact Period Quarrying Behaviour in the Thompson River Drainage of South Central British Columbia
Chert Artifact-Material Correlation at Keatley Creek Using Geochemical Techniques
Implications Between Technological Organization and Portable XRay Fluorescence Analysis on Lithic Material Use at Two Rockshelter Sites on the Southern Northwest Coast
Toolstone Geography in the Northern Cascades of Washington and Adjacent Area
Elk Pass Obsidian and Pre-contact Band Territory in the Southern Washington Cascades
Columbia Hills Toolstone Geography
Estimating Biface Production Output at a Basaltic Andesite Workshop in the Blue Mountains
New Perspectives on the Stockhoff QuarryToolstone Procurement at a Quarry Complex in the Blue Mountains of Northeastern Oregon
Ancient Trade Routes for Obsidian Cliffs and Newberry Volcano Toolstone in the Pacific Northwest
Glass Buttes, Oregon14,000 Years of Continuous Use
Differential Selection of Lithic Raw Materials by Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers in the Upper Yellowstone River Valley, Montana/Wyoming
Obsidian Use in the Willamette Valley and Adjacent Western Cascades of Oregon
Upper Klamath River Obsidian Use Frequencies: Distance-ToSource and Additional Variables
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April 4, 2017
Copyright (c) 2017 SFU Archaeology Press
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